Structures of peanut shelling machine
Date Added: Mon 11 Jul, 2016
1. metal rasp club or metal grid concave framework mainlymostlygenerally for stunningstrikingimpressive and rubbing 2. rubberized curler or rubberized hangingmoving concave framework mainlymostlygenerally for rubbing and squeezing. The last will get the down-side of greatersubstantialgreat crushing costlevelamount of peanut, as thealthough thealthough the shelling effectiveness and threshing efficiency within the second item will not be greatersubstantialgreat. The peanut shelling device include
Maintenance of coating pan
Date Added: Mon 11 Jul, 2016
1, The lubricating oil within the reduction box and also the grease in inner cavity from the moving bearing ought to be changed regularly. 2, If not in use for any lengthy time, the coating pan ought to be washed and oiled at first glance to avoid copper in pot body from being oxidized or creating toxic copper compounds after becoming moist. 3, To guarantee the lube condition from the earthworm gear within the reduction gear box, the high temperature rise from the box shall not exceed 50?? at th
Introduction of Sesame(Tahini) Butter Processing Technology
Date Added: Fri 08 Jul, 2016
Sesame butter is one of the most common butter food in kitchen, however, only few people knows about the processing technology of sesame butter. Below will show the specific procedure of sesame.