Make delicious Peanut Brittle
Date Added: Tue 28 Feb, 2017
Peanut Brittle has a sweet and buttery flavor with a hard and crunchy texture. It uses the most basic of ingredients (sugar, corn syrup, and peanuts). What's important to know is that the corn syrup controls the grain of the brittle so adding too little and you have a grainy textured brittle, while adding too much will result in a stringy and sticky brittle.
Peanut butter grinding machine for sell
Date Added: Sat 25 Feb, 2017
Peanut butter grinding machine is made of stainless steel, and consist of semi stainless steel colloid mill.
Main points of store peanut
Date Added: Fri 24 Feb, 2017
To fully dry seeds before storage, the water content should below 6%. According to the experiment, when the seed moisture content is lower than 8%, storage is very safe, even at -25. Does not affect germination. When the seed moisture content was higher than 10%. Increased respiration.